Boiler Maintenance

Boiler Maintenance

With over 50 years of experience in the field of steam generation, SATHEL currently maintains and operates its boiler rental fleet, and now offers to its customers inspection, refurbishment and boiler maintenance, which can be carried out on site or at SATHEL’s workshop.


Our scope of services may include partial or total refurbishment of firetube and watertube boilers, including repair or replacement of tubes, furnaces, refractories, insulation and plating, as well as painting and finishing.


At the same time, SATHEL offers evaluation, updating and improvement services for steam generation systems, always seeking the best cost benefit, combined with safety and performance. Among these services are: modernization of instrumentation, control and safety of boilers, conversion of oil to gas, as well as, updating natural gas installations to NBR 12.313 and NR13 inspection.